
Linky followers - just incase blogger removes follower list

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Girl in Kimono with paper embroidered frame

Well, the last day of the year has arrived. My OH and I are going to my Son and DIL's tonight. The rest of our family are all out doing something with friends tonight. My daughter's boyfriend's arm is on the mend, he ended up with two puncture wounds to the top of his forearm and one underneath that they hadn't even realised was there until the doctor looked at his arm. I hadn't realised they were quite so far from home when it happened and had several hours drive back as there was no hospitals in between their campsite and the city. Hubby's party went well and again we probably all ate too much. I will be glad to get back to normal eating!! It is 36.6C at the moment and is supposed to get to 38C. Tomorrow is going to be a sizzler reaching 41C and we are thinking of taking a drive down the coast to visit some friends who are having a break from their farm. They bought a holiday house and try and get down there as much as they can.
Well, I'm scheduling this post for tonight as we will be out and will probably see the New Year in before coming home, although I am tired at the moment but I suppose the grandchildren will liven things up a bit. LOL.
Well here is the card,
No stamping today.
The little oriental girl is a 3D image and I stitched a frame around her using a variegated thread, The base card is a vibrant pink from stash and I stitched onto a white panel of card and then adhered to the base card,
Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoy seeing the New Year in.
Take care,

Friday, December 30, 2011

Oriental Woman

Hi everyone, another long day. I popped out early this morning with a friend to a coffee shop to catch up with our friend Shirley and her husband, Doug. Thanks for shouting me a coffee Shirley!
Then we went to a clothes shop and I bought a top and my friend bought a pair of trousers for her Mum and then I dropped her home and drove to get petrol for the car and stop in for groceries for tonight's birthday barbeque! Then spent the rest of the arvo doing some clothes washing, dish washing and packing my craft gear away again!
Made salads, a potato bake and decorated a shop bought pavlova base. It was nice to have all the family here and several friends to help celebrate my OH's birthday. It has been a very hot day but is lovely outside now, nearly midnight, LOL. Everyone left about 30-40 mins ago and then I tidied up the rubbish and recycling and put in the bins so I've only got some of the dishes to do in the morning as one of my daughters did some of the washing for me already, Isn't she lovely!!
Well, I am sharing a card that I made earlier as no time to craft today.
Here it is,
The basecard if SU Real Red and the DP is from a set of Oriental Papers I bought a few years ago at a craft fair. The stamp is also from a set of stamps I've had several years and I can't remember the name of it or who made it. I stamped it and then coloured with ink and a blender pen and fussy cut it out and added to the front of the card,
I'm going to enter this into Make It Monday #69 - Anything Goes
Welcome to new follower, Jules, thanks for your lovely comment too.
Thanks to those who take time out of their day to pop in and leave me comments.
Take Care,

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sending Sympathy and Prayers

Another day closer to the end of this year. I am astounded at how fast the year has gone by. It's been a warm day here but it's really going to heat up over the next couple of days to about 38C, so will end the year with a scorcher!
It's my OH's birthday tomorrow and we are going to have the family and a few friends over for a barbeque in the evening - hopefully it will have cooled down a little bit. We have daylight saving as well at the moment so at 7p.m. it will be in reality 6p.m. and it will probably still be warm. That's okay, we can sit outside, the big umbrella is still up, just have to remember to get some bug spray so the mossies don't get us, LOL.
My oldest daughter's boyfriend got bitten by a dog yesterday while trying to protect her little daschund/terrier. They had gone camping, arrived and set up and then had gone straight down to the beach and five minutes later he was bitten so that was the end of their very brief trip. His dad and partner had gone too, so they stayed and packed up everything and my daughter drove him back here, dropped the dog off and then took him into the hospital, the doctor was at first worried that the tendon was damaged but thinks because he can move his wrist and rotate it that he doesn't need surgery. They gave him a tetanus shot and antibiotics, cleaned it up and I think stitches but not sure. He had two deep puncture wounds on his forearm. The people that owned the dog didn't even stay to find out how he was - just collected their dog and left. They got the rego number of the car and filed a report but whether anything will be followed up they don't know.
Enough chat, LOL. Onto sharing my card for today.
I decided to make a sympathy card as I only have a couple of these in my stash.
The basecard is SU Early Espresso and then I cut a piece of SU Really Rust and put through a cuttlebug embossing folder with little hearts on it. The image and sentiments are all from the same set by SU called "Love and Sympathy" and were inked in Really Rust onto white cardstock from stash and the backed with Early Espresso. I cut the quote sentiment into a tag and added an eyelet with my Cropadile and a small piece of brown ribbon to finish off.
I would like to enter this into Chocolate, Coffee & Cards Challenge #2 ~ TAG YOUR IT!! Add a tag to your creation.
Well thanks so much for stopping by today and all your lovely comments,
Take care,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Elephant Biker

Good Evening. Have had another quiet day at home. My hubby came home at lunchtime as there were no more scheduled jobs. I suppose with the holidays, some of the companies they would do work for have shut down. Not sure how it will affect his pay as he has not taken holidays and is officially working.
It's late again so I better get a move on and share my card for today.
I made this one for my OH as it's his birthday on Friday.
I've used SU Bashful Blue for the basecard, the DP is from Rosie's Studio mini pad called Transit Lounge. I also used SU Crumb Cake as a backing for the image which was stamped on white card and coloured with Copic Markers and then cut out. I added a few lines with a black marker under the tyres. The sentiment comes from SU set, Friendly Phrases and was backed with the blue card and I added 2 creamy brown brads from my stash. Hope he likes it! He used to ride a motorbike when we were first married and then after a couple of accidents with people just not noticing him, (the last one a lady did a u-turn and forced him off the road and squashed his foot between an electricity pole and his bike, our youngest had just been born a couple of weeks before.) he gave up riding and started again after our youngest son took up riding. Laurie is now 22. Now all 3 sons ride bikes and they do spend a bit of time going out together on rides every now and again! LOL, Male Bonding!! but it's a good thing.
I would like to enter this into:
Bearly Mine Challenge 26 - Anything Goes
Simon Says ,,,,,,,, Anything Goes ! :-)
Party Time Tuesdays #48 - Anything Goes
Make It Monday #69 - Anything Goes
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day, thanks for popping in and also to those who commented, I enjoyed reading them,
Take Care,

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vintage Blue

Well, I've sniffled through today with a tissue not far from my nose! I went in to the city today with a friend to look for a new handbag at the sales. It is officially a public holiday, but most of the retailers in the city were open and also some of the bigger department stores in the suburbs, but the supermarkets were closed. Not that we lacked food, LOL, still more turkey, ham and pork to be had. I was grateful for having a bought lunch today and just ate a burger!
All the guys in the family have gone to the SpeedWay tonight so I'm home alone and not much on tv so actually decided to sit down and craft instead.
Here is the result,
I've used yet another free digi (have been saving them so thought it would be good to actually use them otherwise it will just be another lot of hoarded craft items to add to the stash. This may be one of my New Year's Resolutions, to use stash items!)
The base card is one of the SU Blues (lost the packaging) and then I've used two DP's from stash and the brown one is from SU and the one going across the middle is the other side of the SU paper. I matted the three top ones with the blue cardstock and then mounted my image which was cut out with a nestie die and backed with blue card which I trimmed to give a very small border. I popped it onto the card with foam dots. I decided I didn't want to put a sentiment on this one.
I am going to enter it into the challenge at Make It Monday #69 - Anything Goes.
and also into the challenge at Top Tip Tuesday#66 - Anything Goes
and Karen's Doodles Challenge #94-Spots & Stripes
Yeah, might even go to bed early tonight, so thanks for stopping by and for the encouraging comments too!
Take Care,

Monday, December 26, 2011

Lady in Green

Hi everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I haven't been feeling well over the last few days, but still managed to get the cooking done and had a very lazy day today. I'm sick of turkey and pork already. Just get to the stage after handling all that food that just thinking about eating it puts me off. I still feel full from Christmas Day!!
I pulled out a few craft bits and pieces late tonight so I could make something to share tonight.
So here it is,
The basecard is SU Wild Wasabi, with a layer of dark green textured card from stash. The DP is also from SU. The lovely lady was a digi freebie which I coloured with Copic Markers and then used a Nestie to cut her out with and also a larger nestie in the dark green to use as a matte.
The sentiment was inked in Choc Chip and is from SU set "Heard from the Heart"
I am going to enter this into the challenge at Make It Monday #69 - Anything Goes
Well, am off to bed, my son and husband are both snoring away so I hope I don't take too long to drop off, LOL.
Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hi everyone, no card today and sorry there was no post last night. My son used to play drums in a couple of bands and they had a big reunion gig and he wanted us to come. They had other bands there as well so did not come on till late and because he was in two bands we didn't get home till after 12.30 p.m. and I've packed all my craft away until after Christmas. Having withdrawal symptons already, LOL.
It has actually past midnight here, so is officially Christmas. I have been sitting here working out the weights and times for cooking the pork and turkey, can't fit them in at the same time and they need different temperatures anyway, so will have to get up in the early hours to put the pork on and then again to get the turkey on about 6 a.m. We have church starting at 9.30 and I need to be there about 9 a.m. so that creates problems with the cooking. Will have to leave the turkey cooking while we are away and trust that there are no dramas!!

So..... Merry Christmas! Enjoy your day with family as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus. Wishing you a day full of love and hope for the future, in His name.
Take Care,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bridal Kiss

Wow, it was warm today, and we are looking at a very hot Christmas Day on Sunday! I had to do a bit of running around today looking for those DVD's for my DIL, I finally found them but couldn't get the boxed set and bought two DVD's from 1 shop and then 2 from another, Worked out more expensive too, oh well, I didn't want to end up having to give her money instead.
A warm welcome to new follower, Helen, nice to meet you! Hope you find something here that interests you.
Another late night so quickly onto today's card,
The basecard is SU Basic Black and then a matte of white card with a layer of DP from Rosie's Studio Soiree pack. The image is another e-bay find and I have no idea who made it. I stamped it directly onto a Nellie Snellen die cut in white with SU Basic Grey and coloured it with Copic Markers. I then added 3 little pearl hearts that I've had in stash for quite a while.
I am entering this into Make It Monday #68 - Anything Goes
I'm off to bed in a few minutes, hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Thanks for stopping by.
Take Care,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hedgehog with Holly

Hello everyone, just got home from our concert, we popped into a small gelatti shop and had an iced coffee afterwards. I was supposed to get picked up at 7.15 but my friends were 15 minutes late and we had to bang on the door of the venue to get let in. The room where we all meet is right down the end of a long corridor and down a short set of stairs, we could see everyone lined up getting ready to go on stage and luckily one of the men turned around and saw us as I'm not sure they heard the banging, LOL. Anyway we made it in time to go on stage. It went well and now we have a break until late January - must look up the starting dates.
I went out looking for DVD's for my DIL and couldn't find them so will have to look again in a different shop tomorrow. Starting to get worried I won't find them and then will have to think of something else!!
So onto my card for today,
I've used red card for the cardbase and then a piece of white that I've done some paper embroidery on and then stamped with this cute Penny Black Hedgie. I coloured him with ink and a blender pen.
I am going to enter this into the Annabelle Stamp Blog challenge - Say It With Christmas -3- Cards
and also into the challenge at Oldie But A Goodie - Christmas Animals using a stamp at least 6 months old.
I've had my Penny Black Stamp at least 1 year as I used it last Christmas.
Nice to see comments from some of you that have stopped by today, I'm hoping to get a bit of time soon and come and visit your blogs too.
Gotta go,
Take Care,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Flowers in a Watering Can

Another day closer to Christmas and I still have a few things to buy and some housework to catch up on! After tomorrow night's Carol's Concert I will be finished for the year with my large choir and will only have church choir. They also take a break during January, so will have to sing around the house instead!
We had a late rehearsal tonight and I drop a friend off before coming home so instead of about a 15 min trip it probably takes me at least 30 minutes. I watched the tail end of a film just to relax a bit and then sat down to make this card,
I have used SU Concord Crush for the basecard, border punched one edge with a Martha Stewart punch and then layered a piece of DP from a Paper Pizazz book of papers that I've had in my stash for about 4 years. I bought it on sale and pulled it out a couple of weeks ago to give some to a friend who couldn't find the right bit of paper for her card. The second piece of DP is from My Mind's Eye. I stamped the image onto white card, coloured with Copic Markers and rounded the corners and then adhered it to a piece of Concord Crush and then mounted it to the front of the card.
The stamp I used is from a used set of stamps called "Happy Birthday" made by Our Daily Bread Designs. I used SU Choc Chip ink to stamp it with and Hunter Green for the little sentiment from SU Petite Pairs.
I am going to enter this into Make It Monday Challenge #68 - Anything Goes
Enjoy the rest of the day,
Thanks for stopping by again today, much appreciated.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Rocket to the Moon

Very late again tonight, we had friends drop in around tea time with some wood so we asked them to stay for a meal with us. I had corned silverside cooking so made some mashed potatoes and veg to go with it. I wanted to make some mustard sauce but searched high and low for the mustard powder to no avail. So it turned into cheese sauce instead!
I had the neighbour's lawyer ring about the assault I witnessed a couple of months ago but I am not keen on having my name bandied around the court as I am wary of the man retaliating. He told me the police had found this man and were trying to charge him with assault so I could be called as a witness anyway. I hope not. I just wanted the man to stop attacking my neighbour, which is what he did when I yelled at him. He is still going to mention that a neighbour witnessed the assault and hope the judge doesn't want my name, if he does, the lawyer will be ringing me again possibly to try and convince me to agree to having my name mentioned in the court case. This is a separate case concerning a civil matter and separate to the one the police are trying to make. Aaaargh!!
I finally finished putting inserts and writing out my Christmas cards today and posted them out this afternoon. Crazy! I've had them made for months and still left it to the last week to organize them. I feel better that they should arrive either tomorrow or Wednesday.
Well anyway onto my card,
I have used SU Night of Navy as my cardbase and then a DP from a cre8tiv mini paper stack. I really like this paper it does look like stars shining. I added some holographic stars to give it a bit more shine although they may not show up on the scan. (Oh. I just checked the scan and you can see them, they haven't shown true to colour though, but still look ok??) I used a small round diecut which I sponged with Close to Cocoa and made little marks all over it with a yellow Copic Marker to hopefully make it look like the moon. The rocket is a freebie digi again and coloured with Copics and then popped onto the card with foam dots. The sentiment is from a See-D's set of stamps and I used an oval punch to cut it out and Pacific Point Ink to sponge around it.
I would like to enter this into Make It Monday Challenge #68 - Anything Goes.
I think you could use this card for a birthday or as a congratulatory card for something achieved.
Off to bed, Thanks for stopping by and to those that comment, I appreciate them.
Take Care all,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Going Places

Hi everyone, another fairly full day today, up early and off to church. I came back home and then went with a friend, Jane off to Shirley's house to make some cards, a quick stop at the supermarket on the way home. I cooked some salmon for tea and then got ready to go with another friend, Fran, to a local Lessons and Carol's service at the Anglican Church. It was a lovely service, their choir sang all the pieces without music. They sang well mostly but I wasn't keen on several of the pieces but enjoyed the community carols. A good opportunity to sing!!
Back home watched CSI and then sat down to make a card for today's post.
Here it is,
I used SU Concord Crush for the basecard, DSP from My Mind's Eye (sponged the edges with SU Close to Cocoa) and I used two Nellie Snellen dies to make the little frame for my stamped lady which I coloured with Copic Markers. I cut around the edge of her bag so I could pop it out onto the frame. I stamped the sentiment also SU in Hunter Green and then coloured with a pink and also a purple Gel Pen.
Well it's very late and I do need some sleep, so am going to not visit any blogs tonight but hope to catch up some more tomorrow,
Thanks for stopping by,
Take Care,

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bear inside paper embroidered frame

Hi everyone, how is your weekend going. It's been another warm day but a bit muggy and we have had thunder, lightning and rain from late afternoon. I'm quickly posting this as I don't want to be on computer too much while there is an electrical storm!
I've been out to craft today with friends and made a tissue box cover with card and embossed panels. I made it in white and I like the look. I haven't quite made up my mind whether to leave it plain or put a stamped image or flower etc on it. When I decide, LOL, I will try and take a photo to share.
Tonight we went out to a meal with lots of cousins, first, second and ? it gets confusing after that LOL!!
It was a huge house about a year old, the walk in wardrobe was big enough to make another bedroom! The first floor had four bedrooms, the daughter's room had a walk in wardrobe and an ensuite bathroom. The master bedroom was absolutely massive and then the huge walk in wardrobe as well. It also had a balcony. Two other guest rooms and they all had built in televisions too, an area at the top of the stairs with a lounge and tv too. A small built in area that you could make tea/coffee and I presume under that would have been a bar fridge for the milk etc.
Downstairs was a large office area, a lounge and then a large open kitchen (with a large walk in pantry that held cupboard space and the fridge and freezer.You wouldn't know it was even there except I asked for a glass of water.) a dining area and another lounge area - outside was a covered area and then the pool. Also a toilet and not sure if it was another bathroom as well. His property also has a creek running to one side. The house also has an enclosed garage and on the other side is another contained living area for his Mum. She has her own entrance from outside and has a bedroom, large bathroom area and open living, dining and kitchen. All this under the one roof. It was a good night, got to catch up with my SIL who has had breast cancer and still has one more lot of radiation treatment to go. Her hair is only just barely started to grow back. She is a lovely girl and has a positive attitude which has helped her through this.
So, I've not had time to make a card, therefore I am going to share another one of my swap cards.
This was a colour swap and luckily for me was my favourite "purple" I embroidered a frame on lilac cardstock, used a corner rounder and made up this sweet little 3D bear to put in the middle. I then mounted it onto a purple basecard.
Hope you find it interesting, thanks for stopping by
Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Friday, December 16, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Partridge

Hi everyone,
Welcome to two new followers, Peggy and Scrappin Mama - blogger is still playing up and is not showing all my followers all the time, so if you don't see your pic there, I haven't deleted you at all. Blogger is being a pain!!!
It's been a lovely day weather wise here, a warm day and tonight it is still warm but with a cooling breeze. We've just come back from our daughter's helping to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday. He had his dad and partner and some of his friends over for a barbecue. I had our granddaughter over today she came with us. I was going to keep her overnight, but she is not 100% well again and we were only about 10 mins or so away from their home, so I took her home. That saves them coming and picking her up in the morning and also me picking up another bug with her sleeping next to me in bed!
I'm still a bit croaky but at least can sing now. We still have a carol's concert at the end of next week to perform.
Well as promised yesterday I do actually have the card to share. I went out and bought ink today and the printer will now scan. Crazy, I don't understand why they would make a programme for the printer to stop function in all modes when the ink is low or empty! Glad it wasn't an important document that I wanted to e-mail to someone.
This is the card I made,
Basecard and the largest nestie are made from a light blue cardstock. I made a line of faux stitching around the nestie. The DP is from My Mind's Eye. I cut another nestie in white and mounted the partridge on top of this with foam dots. The image is from a digi set called The Twelve Days of Christmas from Doodle Pantry and I coloured it with Copic Markers. The sentiment is also from the same set. I probably have enough cards for this year, but was keen to start using these lovely digis.
Thanks for dropping in today and for your lovely comments. I've enjoyed reading them. Also thanks to those who sent birthday greetings to my Mum, she reads my postings so will have seen them.
I am entering this into 4 Crafty Chicks Challenge 68 - Christmas
Pixie Dust Studio -Challenge #105: Stitching!
Crafting for All Seasons - Challenge #16 - Christmas cards and projects

Take Care,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

3D Flowers with embroidered frame.

Hi everyone, I'm a bit annoyed! My printer is low on ink and is recommending replacing it and I didn't buy any spare cartridges when I bought this unit. So it won't even allow me to scan which is crazy as I don't need ink for that. I made a card tonight and will have to save it for tomorrow after I buy some ink!!
I decided to share a card I made a while ago for a swap, so no chit chat tonight but straight into telling you about the card,
I used orange cardstock for the basecard and then embroidered onto white card with a variegated thread and added a 3d vase and flowers that I made last year.
Thanks for stopping by and I do hope to be able to scan tomorrow.
Take care,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Dance

Hi everyone, my Mum's birthday today so "Happy Birthday Mum" Pity you had to go to the doctors on your birthday but good to finally get a bit more help about your medication.
I had a reasonably busy day, my DIL brought my youngest granddaughter over for me to look after. We hopped in the car and went to three different shops looking for a couple of pudding bowls as mine are all being used and my oldest daughter was coming over to make puddings for gifts. I had no luck, just wasted time and petrol running around. So, we ended up taking 3 of my puddings out of the bowls and wrapping them up so we could reuse the bowls. I got 3 loads of washing done and then left my granddaughter home with Katie and went and picked Mum up and took her to the specialist. We also went to the chemist where the staff were busy standing around trying to tie a flat bow. A real hoot. I showed them how I tie it and two of them just couldn't get a decent bow. One, actually bent down to tie it as if she was tying her shoe laces. So funny!! Took Mum home and then back home to help finish off the puddings. Katie had washed the dishes, brought the clothes in and also folded them so now only left with the saucepans the puds were in.
So after those ramblings, LOL, onto my card,
I've used SU Concord Crush as the basecard and also for the Reverse Wonky Rectangle Nestie diecut. White card for the other Nestie diecut which I stamped the image from Flonz stamps onto in SU Basic Black. I sponged with Tim Holtz distressed ink - Blue Jeans and coloured the image with Copic Markers. The little champagne glasses are from the same set. I realized afterwards that they actually have rings on them so thought that this card could be used for an anniversary or non-traditional wedding card as I've given her a blue dress.
The DP is from Cre8tiv Mini Stack and I've added lots of bling to accentuate the paper. Oh, I've just checked out the scan and it really doesn't show the bling but I used 15 all over the background - you'll have to take my word for it, looks very sparkly!
I am entering this into Make It Monday - challenge #67 - Anything Goes
Thanks for stopping by and I've enjoyed the recent comments you have left. I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice my new profile picture. I have had my hair cut a little bit since then so not quite so long. The pic was taken at Shirley's house where we have Tuesday craft and I'm wearing my favourite colour!! Thought it was time to have a change.
Catch you tomorrow,
Take Care,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Little Bird Told Me.

Hi everyone, another lovely day started off a bit cool but warmed up nicely! I went and saw my Mum and we went to the shops. We have a clothing chain called Millers and they were having a sale where everything in the shop was $20 and under. So I got 5 dresses for me, and a top and also a dress to give my sister for Christmas. A great saving and I also managed to get into a smaller size too, so am quite pleased!!
We had lunch at a little cafe and then did some grocery shopping as well. I think the dogs came out on top with the shopping as I bought bones, several different sizes and some huge turkey necks. Because there are two of them they compete a bit with this sort of thing and I usually buy chicken necks but they just gulp them down instead of chewing so the bigger turkey ones are great.
I made zucchini slice for tea and then had to race out to a full rehearsal for our upcoming carols night. Late home and had my tea very late too. Hubby got home after me so he had a long working day and has to be up about 3.30 to start again.
Well, the card I have to share tonight is one I made a little while ago but hadn't put on the blog and as I haven't had any time to craft today I thought it would be ideal to use it. A very simple card using a cuttlebug folder and a couple of stamps.
The basecard is a very vibrant pink from my stash, a white embossed piece using a dotty folder and I think the image was SU and I bought the sentiment stamp on e-bay. Thanks for stopping by to look,
Catch you tomoorow,
Take Care,

Monday, December 12, 2011

Not Just a Year Older

A busy day today, was up early and put washing on and hung out two loads before I went out with a couple of friends to a craft shop. This is instead of going to class tomorrow as my friend has to take her Mum to an appointment so we decided to skip class. I came back home and attacked the mountain of dishes. Hubby worked late so we didn't eat until after 8 p.m. Chicken stir-fry with rice. Managed to watch a little bit of television and then off to the craft room to try and come up with something to post tonight.
Here it is!
Brown card from stash for the basecard. The DP is from a paper pad called On the Move from Kaiser Craft which compliments the stamp which is from a Kaiser Craft set also called On the Move. I used the airplane and the Limited Edition from this set. I made the words into a little banner for the plane to pull. Coloured the plane with Copic Markers and cut it out and mounted over the background which is a stamp from a set called "Travel Print" Urban Stamps - Papermania. I stamped it in SU Close to Cocoa onto a coffee coloured cardstock and then distressed the edges with Tim Holtz's Vintage Photo Distress Ink, mounted it onto another piece of brown card. The sentiment is from SU "Bring on the Cake" and I stamped it with Choc Chip ink. Another one for my stash, I am on a roll with male cards at the moment. Makes a change!, LOL.
I am entering this into Make It Monday challenge #67 - Anything Goes.
Thanks for stopping by, loved reading the comments left for me, Thankyou!
Take Care,

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sail Away

Hi everyone, well another weekend has finished for me and only just over two weeks to Christmas. The meat is ordered, the puddings are done, so will be just organizing the rest of the vegies etc a few days before and I still have to buy a couple of little things. Still a couple of more singing commitments and then I get some time off both from singing and craft commitments.
The card I have to share today is made using blue cardstock from stash for the base. A piece of white card stock stamped all over and distressed with Tim Holtz "Vintage Photo" distress ink and gave it a few tears and folds too. A nestie and I used "Faded Jeans" distress ink to colour it. The image was stamped using SU Choc Chip, cut it out and coloured the water with the "Faded Jeans" also and added some seagulls with a black marker, I think the boat is actually under attack by these birds LOL!! I added a compass at the top and a birthday sentiment on a punched label. A couple of twists of jute with a nautical style knot in it. Another male card for my stash.
Thanks for stopping by, I'm off to bed - hope you enjoy the tail end of your weekend,
Take Care,

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dragon Singing Carols

It's been a lovely day today. I spent the morning trying to make some cards for my friends at the Saturday group I go to. They look like a gatefold but incorporate a little box which opens as you pull the panels apart. I forgot to scan them, but I do have one here because one of the girls didn't come today. I will try to take some photos to share tomorrow. I took some images to colour but ended up helping Judy packaging up little Christmas Tree earrings she was making to sell at the Cancer Foundation. They are made with acrylic flower beads, a few seed beads and a star. Very cute. I also made a couple of card holders. We used "Pringle" tins and took off the ends and then wound variegated wool around them. This is what holds the cards. She then decorates a piece of card to sit on the top. They are very handy to keep cards in for birthdays, Christmas, etc.
Here is today's card.
The basecard is green card from my stash. The DP is by Cosmo Cricket, Jolly by Golly: Sweater Weather. On one side it is green with snowflakes and on the other stripes, which is what I chose to use for this card.
The image is another digi freebie and is this very cute dragon carol singing. I must try and remember to type the site name next to the image when I save it. I forget and just hit save and the artist hasn't put their name on them. (Editing post thanks to Gail, she has pointed me to where this little dragon comes from) It is one from Dustin Pike: Doodle Dragon and you can find them here
I coloured the image with Copic Markers.
I stamped the sentiment in Real Red from SU onto white card and punched out with a 1" circle and then punched a 1 1/4" scalloped circle in green. The green one is adhered flat and the sentiment circle is popped up with a foam dot.
Well, it's goodnight from me, hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Take Care,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wedding Silhouette

Rain today, but welcome after a few hot days. I had coffee with my friends Fran and Shirley. A quick trip to a craft shop with a stop at a small cafe for lunch. I came back home and had about an hours sleep as I had a headache, still croaky too, but feel I may be starting to get better. I thought about buying new sleepers for my ears as I haven't been wearing earrings much over the last few years and had trouble putting some in Wednesday night and my ears are now sore. I put my old sleepers in and there is something wrong with one of them so after coffee Fran and I popped into the jewellers opposite the cafe and asked to see some. Fran thought she might buy some too as she has the same problem. Well after turning the packet over and looking at the price tag we both did a double take and said "No Thnaks" They were $139!! - I think for that price I will put up with the ones I have and hope my ears improve quickly and then I can just put light weight hook ones in! I thought maybe they would be about $50 at the most. It has been a long time since I've bought any gold jewellery and I had my ears pierced when I was about 20, LOL, a few years ago now.
Anyway, here is the card I would like to share with you today,
The basecard is white cardstock from my stash, the DP is from a mini stack from cre8tiv. The stamp is from SU set "Marry Me" and was inked in black and then I used a black Copic to go over it as the ink didn't cover all that well. Quite often I have that problem with silhouette stamps, although when I clean them there is always lots of ink still on them. The decorative corner was cut on my cuttlebug using a Marianne die. I also added some pearls to the corner, they are from SU.
The scan shows the image a bit sketchy but it does look solid in real life.
Well thanks so much for the lovely comments that are left for me and also for popping in.
Take Care,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sitting Reindeer

Not so hectic today. Although still a full day. I started off the morning attending another 2 hourlecture from the series Living with Diabetes. This time we had the dietician speaking to us explaining about what are carbohydrates, how much is a serve etc. What my Mum was told when she first got diabetes is totally different to what they are teaching now. We were told that if we had a teaspoon of sugar in our tea or coffee you could still do that and you could have a smear of jam or a piece of cake as long as it wasn't on a daily basis. I wasn't real impressed with some of the serving sizes especially the amount of pasta. Looks like I will have to retrain my stomach to eat smaller meals. I have been cutting down on a lot of things already!
A quick stop at the shop to pick up some lunch and something for the girls for their afternoon tea. My friend dropped me off and I arranged a table and chairs in the family room so we could have the air-conditioner because it was about 31C today.
Tea out with friends at the local pub and as I had no choir practise, we spent a little bit more time sitting and talking.
My son and DIL dropped his motorbike off here as he had trouble with it today, so I got to say hello to the grandchildren as they sat in the car for five minutes. Little Isaac was nearly asleep but held on to my finger and I got half a smile.
Hope you all have had a good day.
I've made another Christmas card, are you getting sick of them yet?
This one is on a SU Real Red cardbase, DP could also be SU but not sure. once they are cut up, it's anyone's guess who made it LOL.
The little reindeer is another freebie digi and was coloured with Copic Markers, cut out and mounted onto a Nellie Snellen diecut and then onto a square of Real Red.
The sentiment is another one of the lovely colourful rub-ons I had hiding in my stash and I used a border punch on one side trimmed it and mounted onto a piece of Real Red, The silver sparkly ribbon came from a free gift of a shopping bag from the Adelaide council when we attended the concert at the Town Hall on Tuesday, they were wrapped up a bit like christmas crackers. So, a bit of recycling!
I am entering this into the Come and Get It Challenge - Anything Christmas
Thanks for popping in today.
Take Care,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dragon Birthday Greetings

Hi everyone, another long full day today and yes I was still croaking but managed to get through my solo sections this morning without sounding like a frog on a lily pad!! I was no better tonight but had lots of other choir members around me so it didn't matter if I didn't sing very loud. There was a lot of community singing of carols so didn't use much voice doing those, saved myself, LOL, for the choir pieces and descants in the carols. We had Wes Carr as a guest artist, he won Australia's got Talent Show a few years ago and his grandma passed away at the hospice earlier in the year and her favourite song was "Moon River" so he played the keyboard and sang that.
They gave us supper, so we did literally sing for our supper. Very well catered for and I did leave the sweets alone. Two lots of party food in one day is just too much.
So, it's nearly midnight and I want to get this posted so here is the card I would like to share today,
I think I have used SU Certainly Celery and Wild Wasabi (or might have been Kiwi Kiss)
I cut out a topnote and embossed using a cuttlebug folder. The dragon came from Doodle Pantry and I'm not sure whether it was a freebie or one I bought! I coloured it with 4 different green Copic Markers. I also used one of my alphabet dies to cut the flower and the numbered circle. I used a glaze pen to colour inside the number 3. I added the sentiment inked in Hunter Green.
I am entering this into the Less Is More challenge - week 44 - Colour - Green
Thanks for popping in today, enjoy the rest of your day,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

3D Roses with paper embroidery

Hi everyone. I seemed to have picked up a sore throat. The Lord Mayor's Gala Concert was today and there were about 38 from our choir that sang. We were first on and sang a fanfare and 2 Christmas Carols and another Christmas song - I managed well until the last one and felt my voice crack so luckily I wasn't singing too loud and the other voices covered it up and it only lasted a few seconds. Just long enough for me to feel bad though! Nobody else noticed not even the girl standing next to me. One of my friends and I asked if we could go upstairs and sit in on the rest of the concert and they said okay, so we got to see it for free. I had a very late lunch!
I took the bus home from town, a very rare thing for me and was surprised at how much I had to pay for a 10 minute bus ride.
Out again for another rehearsal tonight and we have a charity performance at a hospice tomorrow. They have it every year to remember all the patients that have passed away there. Relatives and friends of the patients attend. They have a ceremony out of the front of the hospital where they light up one of the big trees and a soloist sings. Very moving. They have the police there and they close off the road for a short time. My friend and I are also singing at our Wednesday Craft breakup concert too tommorrow morning. I hope the voice is up to it as we are each singing a verse in one song and unison in the other.
Well onto today's card.
Basecard is red card from stash and the topper is white card and I have stitched a swirly pattern on it and added a 3D roses topper piece that I put together a while back and hadn't used.
I am entering this into Make It Monday Challenge #66 - Anything Goes
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments, sorry I haven't been looking at many blogs and commenting at the moment - just have had too much on at present.
Take Care,


Monday, December 5, 2011

With All My Love

Another day nearly finished here, only a few minutes before midnight, I hope I don't turn into a punpkin. I'm definitely ready for sleep.
Had a quiet morning, did some washing and then spoke to Mum on the phone. I went and picked her up and we went down to one of our local hospitals to meet her sister (my aunty) who was down from the country for an appointment. We had lunch with her and then left and went to another friends for a quick catch up and then back to Mum's to drop her off and then home to meet my daughter. She had rung and said she wanted to go shopping so we went and bought a few more Christmas presents. A late meal and a bit of relaxation in front of the square box and then sat down to make a card,
The cardbase is SU Peach Parfait and the DP is from My Mind's Eye. I tore a piece of white card and sponged the edges with Close to Cocoa, also did the DP and did some faux stitching with a white Gel Pen. I stamped the torn piece with a stamp from Urban Stamps - Botanical print by docrafts Papermania. I used Choc Chip for the stamping and also used a little butterfly from the same set and coloured with an orange Copic Marker and adhered to the front. The little girl is from Simply Gorjuss and is called Rose. She is also coloured with Copic Markers and put on with foam dots for some added depth.
I am going to enter this into Make It Monday #66 - Anything Goes
and also into the challenge at Simon Says Stamp - Anything Goes

Thanks for stopping by,
Catch you all tomorrow,
Take Care,

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fresh Apples

Hi everyone, an update on my grandson, he was discharged today from hospital and has recovered. He will have to have a blood test to see if they can see what caused his severe reaction. The girls came with us to the choir luncheon and then back here for about an hour and then hubby took them home to save our son and DIL coming out again.
I am again late after some more cooking. So will get on with my post.
By the way, Margaret, wanted to know who made the sentiment I used on yesterday's card. They are called miniMARKS Christmas Book One - American Crafts. I bought these several years ago on sale and they have been sitting in my stash since then so not sure if they are still available. The Merry Christmas sat one word over the other and I cut it out before rubbing it on so I could get it in one line.
The card I am sharing tonight is another Male card for my stash, the cardbase is SU Soft Suede and both DP's are from My Mind's Eye. The image is from SU set Countryside and was coloured with Copic Markers. Stamped onto white cardstock and I cut around it. The little sentiment is from SU set You're a Gem.
I am going to enter this into the challenge over at Lollipop Ladies Challenge #34 - Toffee apples
Hope you had a great weekend,
Thanks for stopping in,
Take Care,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snowman with Trees

Hi everyone, wow it is so late. I'm still sitting up with Christmas Puddings steaming away on the stove - 5 of them! I now know why they are taking so long to cook. Silly me forgot to put the lids on and have only just realized it after about 5 hours cooking!!!!! What a silly thing to do. I suppose I have a reason.
Hubby came home just as I was doing all the mixing and he had been up at our daughter's. Some of the kids had got together and had a combined garage sale so he had gone to that. He went and bought some drink and it was suggested to get some icecreams too. They were ones that have a bit of honeycomb through them and coated with chocolate and little bits of biscuit. My son gave his 6 month old a little bit of the icecream and about 3 mins later his lips all swelled up and it was a mad dash to the emergency department of the hospital. I think they gave him adrenalin and he has had to be admitted overnight so they can keep an eye on him. Not sure but he must have had an allergic reaction to something and a pretty rapid one at that. So I was a bit distracted worrying about little bubs. He drove back up to my daughter's as she had the two girls whilst Mum and Dad were at the hospital and now we have them here. So a bit makeshift on the sleepwear but they are tucked up in bed.
So I have only just sat down to make my card, 5 puddings, 1 chocolate cheesecake slice and 1 zucchini slice later!
Well here it is,
The basecard is one of the SU blues and I've also used it and Kiwi Kiss (SU) for the two decorative corners. The DP on the bottom is from 3 bugs in a rug - Let it Snow, Candy Stripe and I've also used another piece of the Snow Much Fun - Christmas trees from the same company. I used a piece of white that I tore one edge and inked around with SU Ballet Blue. The sentiment is a rub-on and the snowman is a freebie from Beccy. I cut him out and then coloured the edge with a blue Copic marker and coloured the scarf, hat and ornament and added some glitter on the ornament and hat.
I am entering this into Bling It On Challenge - Christmas
and also
Anything Goes Challenge 55 - Cutting Corners - Decorative or Altered Corners
Thanks so much for stopping by, hope you find something to interest you,
Take Care,

Friday, December 2, 2011

Two Door Chevvy

Well, this week has gone so fast I hardly had time to register it! I wrapped a couple of presents and put under the tree today, we are giving our son and DIL some money towards a trampoline with the net around it for our granddaughters for Christmas but still wanted them to have some something to open so just small things like a book, socks, knickers and a top. I wrapped them individually so they have more fun opening them.
I've actually finished my card early tonight so I might have an early night as well.
I decided to make a card for a male as I don't have too many of them in my stash.
The basecard is real red cardstock from SU, the DP came with a magazine and is called Celebrate by teresa collins. I used layers of real red and black offset them on the front of the card and then added the image. It is from Kaisercraft - a set of clear stamps called On The Move. I inked the car in SU Basic Grey and coloured with Copic Markers and added some small black bling to the corners.
I am going to enter this into Make It Monday #65 - Anything Goes and also into the challenge over at
Chocolate, Coffee & Cards Challenge - Celebrate
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend, don't get too stressed doing your Christmas Shopping!
Take care,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Boy Holding Christmas Banner

Hi everyone, hope you have been enjoying your day. Mine has been another long one. I started off with picking up a friend and driving down to the Diabetic Association for a two hour session to learn a bit more about Diabetes. I was diagnosed around about April and my friend is borderline at this stage. Next week they have the dietician telling us about what we should be doing and I'm not sure what is on in the last week. I dropped her off and then went to craft where my little group were meeting to go off for lunch and a trip to a couple of craft shops. Our break-up party, as some of the gals can't come in our last couple of weeks. We were late coming back so I only had about 20 mins home before going out for a meal with my hubby and another couple of friends. I dropped Adrian home and then went into town for choir practice, home again a couple of hours later, watched a little bit of tv and then got stuck into making this card, Oh, LOL, I fed the dogs too, I've let them outside for a bit and will let them back in so they can go to bed soon.
So here it is!
The cardbase is SU Real Red and the green card is from stash. I used several sizes of Nestie circles and the DP is from a freebie mini stack of papers. The image was also a freebie digi but I'm sorry I forgot where I got it, so if you know whose it is let me know so I can give them credit. I coloured with Copic Markers and used a glaze pen to go over the banner word. I used a rub-on sentiment and some little star shaped bling to finish it off.
I would like to enter this into Annabelle Stamps Challenge #044 - which is a sketch challenge this time.
Well I need to get some sleep, so thanks for popping in and also for the fab comments you leave.
Enjoy the rest of your day or evening,
Take care,

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just a little Snowman

Hi everyone, late again! I went to our last official Wednesday craft session today, I didn't teach as I had a singing rehearsal for the concert they put on for the end of the year.
Came home and drifted off for about 10 min nap until the phone rang with some tele-marketer wanted to sell me something!! Left my husband to make his own tea as I had to be ready in my choir outfit and head off by just after 6p.m. A friend was supposed to come to my house but at 6 p.m. her husband rang saying that she had a big stain on her white blouse and couldn't get it off, so go without her. She ended up coming but we had already started our performance and had done about 4 songs. So she had to sneak in and find a chair.
After the performance a few of us went to a restaurant/cafe in town for something to eat and a cup of coffee. I got home just after 10.30 p.m. and have been fiddling around with this card ever since! Just couldn't find the right paper. Hopefully this is okay.
I've used SU Old Olive for the cardbase, the spotted DP is from My Minds Eye and the tree paper is from 3 bugs in a rug - it's called Snow Much Fun - Christmas Trees
The little snowman came from a clear set of freebie stamps and was inked in SU Basic Grey and coloured with Copic Markers, cut out and mounted with foam dots.
I used a Nestie for the sentiment which is a rub-on from the cheapie store. I sponged around all the papers and sentiment with SU Garden Green.
I would like to enter this into Sir Stampalot Nov challenge - Blue and Green ( Hope I can get away with the bits of white that are showing)
and also into
The Poodles Parlour - Christmas
and Addicted to Stamps challenge #18 - Christmas
Well better insert the scanned picture and get this published,
Thanks for stopping by,
Take care,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby Fairy

A warm welcome to a couple of new followers, Betty and Lisa. Thanks for becoming followers and hope to see you from time to time.
Well a long day today, Fran and I went off to Shirley's for our weekly class and made 3 fab cards. We grabbed some lunch at a little deli on our way home. I had found out very late last night from the secretary of the choir that I belong to that they wanted members of the choir to try and go into the town hall this afternoon for a photo shoot. We are performing in the Mayor's Gala Concert next Tuesday afternoon. Well it was all a bit of a rush getting organised and getting a fellow chorister to pick me up. Her son drove so he could just drop us off. Finally got home late afternoon and hopped straight into my car and headed off to the hairdressers! I had my haircut on Friday and I wasn't really happy with it so went back. She layered the back for me and didn't charge me and also gave me a $5.00 voucher to use next time. It looks much better now. Home again, made zucchini slice for our evening meal, and then out to choir practice and home after 10 p.m. So it is rather late now and could do with some sleep. We have a craft breakup Wednesday week and I was asked to sing so need to find something and take for a practice tomorrow.
Well onto my card,
I've used Regal Rose from SU for the cardbase. Layered a DP from Fancy Pants Designs called Precious - Baby mine. I added some pink ribbon with stitching on it (from stash). The cute image is called Baby Fairy Flora from Stampavie and is a Mo Manning design. I coloured with Copics after stamping it onto a white nestie diecut. I layered this onto to some sparkly pink card and trimmed around to match the nestie shape. Voila, finished, I am going to send this to a friend who is a Grandma for the first time.
I would like to enter this into;
Flutterby Wednesday's #181 - open theme as long as it has either a fairy, butterfly or angel on it somewhere.
also entering my card into the challenge over at Make It Monday #65 - Anything Goes
Thanks so much for popping by today, hope you found something to interest you,
Take Care,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Daisies in a Vase

Hello everyone,
Welcome to new followers, Loli, Janny and Tracy, great to have you here.
I didn't manage to get the puddings done so will now have to wait until Wednesday. I forgot to soak the fruit overnight and spent the day washing and doing the dishes and putting the Christmas tree up!
So no Christmassy smells lingering in the air!
My hubby and I picked up our friends, Fran & Kim and took them to a local radio station. They have a shed out the back where every Monday night they have a live radio session called "Hill Billy Hooters" Anyone that wants to perform rocks up and they fit as many people they can within an hour. Not really country & western but in that vein. Lots of guitars, ukeleles, mandolins and mouth organs. Ballads and some original songs with a couple of other genres tossed into the mix. We took some folding chairs and sat down and within the first 10 mins it decided to rain - big sploshy drops. Luckily they stopped after about 5 minutes and it is a warm night so we dried off quickly.
So, just got home and made this quick card for:
Less is More - week 43 - Recipe - A Bit of Bling, has to be CAS style card.
Also would like to enter it into Make It Monday - #65 - Anything Goes.
My card base is SU Glossy White, I used SU Basic Grey to stamp the image "Daisy Vase" from Stampendous and also the sentiment from SU set "Happiest Birthday Wishes"
I coloured the image with gel pens and added bling to 3 of the flowers. Two amber ones for the centres of the flowers and one green for the bottom of another as it was facing the other way.
I've scanned the card with a bit of dark paper behind it so the white card can be defined in the scan. The flowers do look brighter IRL and I know the scan has washed them out quite a bit. I tried a photo but it came out too dark and fuzzy.
Thanks for stopping by and all the fab comments, much appreciated,
Take Care,

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Tree

Hi everyone, another weekend has gone and Christmas is rushing towards us at a great speed! I think I will have to spend the day making Christmas pudding tomorrow.
My granddaughters went home about 2.00 p.m. after spending the night and coming to church with me. They went to Sunday School and the little one made a cutout of a wiseman and a little box with lots of bling, the older one made a huge star. You might be interested to know Sonia that it was like the one you shared in your tutorial a little while ago but really big, LOL.
I passed a milestone with my blog today. I have now surpassed 10,000 page views. I can remember when I started and I had just one follower, my friend, Shirley, and I thought that nobody would be interested in my cards, Thankyou to all who make it worthwhile posting every day. I enjoy meeting other bloggers from around the world and it is another fantastic extension of cardmaking that I am happy to have become part of.
Well I haven't sat down to craft till late tonight and decided to do something quick and fairly simple.
Unstampabelles challenges require no stamps so I have made my card to suit the challenge.
I've used SU Real Red cardstock for the base and a nestie's diecut tree. I wound some metallic silver thread around the tree and then added lots of bling. The stars, wavy lines and sentiment are all rub-ons. I used a punch for the sentiment.
I would like to enter this into UnStampabelles Challenge #5 - Trees bonus technique Paper Punches/Dies
Well it was good to "see" you today and hope you've had a fantastic weekend
Catch you tomorrow,
Take Care,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pulling the Sled

Hi everyone, another busy day, got up about 8 a.m. and then drove over to pick up my son and his fiance and then drove them into town so they could go in a small bus with friends to the Barossa Valley on a winery tour. It is one of the girls birthdays soon and as it is close to Christmas people will be away etc so she decided to have her celebration early and chose the wine tour. I went the long way home as there was road works the other way. When I got home I had to make chocolate cheesecake slice to take to a craft group Christmas party so that took a while to mix and then cook. Also made some sandwiches because I'm supposed to eat multigrain bread. We had a good time. We helped Judy with some of her craft she makes for the Cancer Foundation. One of the things we did was wrap single toilet rolls with Christmas paper and then entirely in cellophane and attach a tag with this saying on it:
Merry Christmas,
Money is scarce, times are hard,
So I'm giving you this instead of a card,
Christmas cards are expensive it's true,
But this will be handy for you in the loo!!!!!

I left earlier than usual because my son and DIL were bringing the two girls down for me to look after - they are also staying overnight, so we watched "Elf" on tv and had pizza. They are both tucked up and asleep and my hubby has just come home from his interstate mercy mission! It turned out the man felt like he was going to black out while driving the truck. He stopped and they had a district nurse from one of the towns come out to him and they discovered his sugar levels were really high, so looks like he has diabetes and didn't know about it. She gave him some medication and told him he shouldn't be driving and that's why they had to go and get him and the truck. So they must have done a lot of driving to get back tonight.
Well onto my card,
I've made a top fold card with a small step at the front. Sorry I have had to scan it so you don't really get a proper look at the card!
The cardbase is a bright green from stash and I've used a sheet of DP from a freebie pack by My Mind's Eye called Snowed In - Winter Papers, Christmas designs. I stamped the image and sentiment with SU Basic Grey onto white card and used my Copic Markers to colour the image, Red ink for the sentiment. Both the image and sentiment came from a set by Adam Pescott. I used a circle punch and also a scallop punch for the sentiment and added some bling. I put some glitter on the hat and snow.
I would like to enter this into The Poodles Parlour Challenge - Christmas
and also into Fairy tale Challenge #29 - Christmas
Thanks for looking and for your comments too!
Take Care,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Born to Golf

Hi everyone, a quick post as I've been on the go all day and out tonight as well!
My card for today is made using a basecard of SU River Rock, I'm not quite sure where I got the DP. For the topper I've used SU Early Espresso and white card from stash. The golfer image is from Creative Expressions, a set called Playing Through.
The sentiment is also from this set. My card is a "Z" fold with a white panel inside for the greeting. My husband left me a note while I was out during the day, he and another workmate have gone interstate in a hire car to pick up a truck driver who is ill. The flying doctor wouldn't take him because it wasn't an emergency. The other workmate will drive the truck home and my hubby will bring the ill driver back with him in the car. They left sometime today and won't probably get back till late Sunday or possibly Monday. It takes several days to get to Western Australia, all they knew was that he was near the border, so hopefully he stays with the truck. Not sure if he is in a small town or just on the side of the road. I suppose they will find out. Anyway, he took my camera with him, so I had to scan the card so you can't see the "z" fold.
I would like to enter this into;
Cards for Men challenge 24 - Fancy Folds
Hope you are looking forward to your weekend, thanks for stopping by,
Take Care,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sending Love & Sympathy

Hello everyone, hope you have had or are still having an enjoyable day. I had a quiet morning at home and did another load of washing, some of my things this time. Priority here for washing is hubby and son's workclothes, then towels and tea towels and lucky last are my things.
I caught up with my friend when I went up to the shop and chatted a bit about how her Mum went with the skin graft. She went in Tuesday and they took the skin from the other leg, but were going to put the graft on today. I caught up with her again as she came out with us for a meal tonight and the doctor wasn't real happy with the condition of her leg so has put off putting the graft on till probably tomorrow and she will have to be in hospital for a while and then have some rehab. She hates hospitals but needs to improve if she wants to stay in her own home. So, hope things go well for her.
I spent the afternoon with my Thursday group. Jane was home from her cruise to Vietnam and gave each of us some cute little vietnamese figures which are magnets. Thanks Jane and glad you had a good time and are back home safe!
No choir practise tonight so I went for a walk with my friend Fran and also took the dogs. Went a bit earlier so it was just on dark when we walked down my street.
Well I'm slightly earlier than usual as I have made a CAS style card for:
Less Is More challenge week 42 - Theme - Silhouette
I decided to make a Sympathy card as I don't have very many of them in my stash.
I have used SU Early Espresso for my card base. I added some embossed lines to make a frame and then I stamped the silhouette image and sentiment from SU set Love & Sympathy onto Whisper White cardstock in Choc Chip Ink, I used a circle as a mask and applied Tim Holtz Faded Jeans Distress ink over the white card. I finished off with a bow I made using some of the ribbon I picked up off a stall at craft on Wednesday.
Thanks for stopping by again, I am slowly working my way through some of my blog list trying to comment on people's blogs. It is very time consuming, so I do appreciate your visits and especially the time you take to make a comment.
Take Care,

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Angelic Music

Another day has flown past! I taught class today - two people on my table, but one decided to do some beading, she is making a beaded pen cover, very nice but the pattern is hard to follow, hence I haven't attempted it yet, LOL. Next week will be the last Wednesday class and the following week they put on a concert and everyone brings food to share. Will have to watch what I eat this time, alas nothing sweet!!
Wanted to extend a warm welcome to two new followers, Gail and Cindy. Blogger keeps changing how many followers I have every time I go on it usually reverts to a lesser number, I've heard other bloggers have this trouble from time to time.
Another Christmas card to share today.
The basecard is SU Garden Green and then a lovely vintage style DP from Meg's Garden mini paper stack called A Vintage Christmas, another freebie that came with a magazine.I stamped the image (from Crafty Individuals) in SU Choc Chip onto white card and then used Distress inks and a blending sponge to do the edges. I coloured the angel in with Copic Markers and punched a flower from SU Naturals Ivory and distressed that too. I punched 3 leaves to put behind it and added a very pale green pearl to the middle. A friend gave me some of her bits and pieces as she was moving into a retirement village and this lovely tatted lace was in one of the boxes so I put it down one side of the topper.
I am entering this into Make It Monday #64 - Anything Goes
I am heading off to bed, so thanks for popping in and I love to read what you have to say about my cards too
Take care and enjoy the rest of your day,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Caught Out

Hello again, hope you have had a good day. I didn't go to craft today as my friend's mum had a fall a couple of weeks ago and cut herself badly and had problems with her skin because it is so thin. They tried to save the skin but after initially looking healthy, it died and she had to have a skin graft today. So thought I would give Shirley the day off from making card kits for us to do.
Tomorrow I will be out teaching Christmas cards to a couple of ladies.
I wanted to say welcome also to another new follower, Cindy. Hope you find something here to interest you.
The card I made today is again using the dark blue card (LOL, I had to use the other half of the card) Not sure where this cute cupcake DP came from. I used it in the lower half of the card and also punched a circle to go behind this little bear that has been caught with icing all over his mouth. He looks very contrite, doesn't he! The little bear was a freebie digi stamp from Beccy I coloured him with Copic Markers and cut him out and mounted onto the circle and then onto a white nestie label which I sponged with pink ink and added lots of small pink bling!
The sentiment is from SU Your'e a Gem set and was inked in Brilliant Blue, I added a little bling for the dot in the "j" Again I used punches to create the little sentiment tag. A ribbon to finish off. This came from a friend's cousin who passed away and was an avid crafter.
I would like to enter this into Cutie Pie Challenge #5 - Bears
Thanks again for stopping by and also for the encouraging comments you leave, they are much appreciated,
Take Care,

Monday, November 21, 2011

Strawberry Cupcake

I have some new followers, welcome to Loz, Sandy, Audrey, Margaret and Diane. Thanks for joining my blog and hope to see you here from time to time.
If you stopped by yesterday, please scroll down to yesterday's post to see the card. Silly me was a bit brain dead, LOL, when I did my post and forgot to add the scan of the card, I've rectified the problem with both my brain and the post.
I've had a quiet day home doing more washing, it never seems to end and I didn't start till late morning so the last lot weren't quite dry. We have daylight saving here at the moment so we get an extra hour of sunlight so they hung on the line until about 7.30 ish. I took the two dogs for a walk again, my legs and knees are sore by the time I get home but it doesn't seem to last after a rest watching a bit of tv.
My card today is made with a dark blue cardstock from stash, a piece of DP from a mini stack from DCWV called Linen Closet. It probably doesn't show in the scan but the little dots are glittery! The image (a set recently bought from Annabelle Stamps) was stamped in SU Close to Cocoa on white card stock, coloured with Copic Markers and then cut out and mounted onto a dark blue die cut. One of my Nestie Label Dies. I added a double bow that came from a pack I bought on e-bay and also 3 little buttons (also an e-bay purchase). I added bling to the centre of each button and I used buttons which complemented the colours used to colour the stamped image. I stamped the sentiment which is from Kaszazz in basic black straight onto the DP.
I would like to enter this into the following challenges;
Make It Monday #64 - Anything Goes
Annabelle Stamps - Say it with Buttons and Bows
Well thanks so much for stopping by and for all the wonderful comments, they are much appreciated.
Take Care,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Three Little Elves

Boy, I'm really tired tonight, must be all the late nights catching up with me, so a quick post to share the CAS style card I made for today.
I've had this cute little stamp for a while and thought I would give it an airing!
My basecard is SU Elegant Eggplant, the DP is from the freebie Hot Off the Press mini stack I got with a magazine. I distressed the edges and then sponged with SU Hunter Green ink. The image is stamped also in the Elegant Eggplant ink. I tore around it and mounted onto a piece of card. I added two Elegant Eggplant strips and added lots of red bling. The sentiment was stamped with Hunter Green onto white card, punched out and then put on a punched red circle for a bit of extra colour. The sentiment is from Stampendous.
Hope you have had a wonderful weekend and ready for the coming week. Only 5 more weeks to Christmas, I can't believe the time has just flown by so fast.
Thanks for stopping by,
Take Care,
Sorry everyone, I was really tired, I didn't preview or even check the blog after I clicked "publish post" Hope you come back and check out the photo, LOL.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sweet Smelling Bouquet

Welcome to my little piece of blogland! Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
I went off to my friend Judy's for our weekly craft get together. Eight of us there today, which is everyone. Sometimes depending on what is going on in people's lives there are less, but we all enjoy each others company and actually most weeks get some craft done. Judy is heavily involved with her school and charity work so has usually got some projects on the go to sell or raffle off and sometimes we help her do that as well. A few of the girls were helping her make tins that you use as a card stand. They have been very popular.
I managed another walk tonight after tea and this time my son came too. That meant I only had one dog to handle and the other one actually is his dog but has lived here since he bought him except for a few months last year.
Well, another late post from me so I had better get on with it, LOL.
My basecard is SU Bashful Blue, a matte of pink, from stash. I stamped the image which is a Flonz stamp onto white card, coloured with Copic Markers and then roughly tore the edges and mounted onto a piece of Bashful Blue and tore that too.
I put 3 score lines on the pink card and placed some pearls along them on either side of the card. The greeting is from SU Happiest Birthday Wishes set and inked with SU Rose Red.
I would like to enter this into Make It Monday Challenge #64 - Anything Goes
Thanks again for popping in, lovely to "see" you and even better when you leave me a comment.
Enjoy your weekend!
Take Care,
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