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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Little Owl

Hello again, it's been another reasonably nice day here after steady rain late yesterday and overnight. I had to make 4 doz cakes to make into jelly cakes for my choir who cater afternoon tea for a series of concerts throughout the year, I still have to jelly them and cream them tomorrow morning before church so I can take them with me and one of the other choir members will deliver them for me. Not quite sure what I was doing this morning must have been half asleep still because I measured out the flour, cut up the butter and thew in and then got the beater out and started to mix it. LOL, it was supposed to be sugar and butter, so not only did I end up making nearly 6 dozen small cakes but a huge batch of scones as well because I didn't want to throw the mixture away. I go on Saturdays to a friends house and we usually bead, I had shown them a project I made several years ago of a little beaded topiary which was stitched to fabric and has a button pot and a ribbon bow and then box framed. I showed them how to make a box frame from an ordinary picture frame. Several of us finished today, but a couple of them still have to put their frames together. Well, this is where most of the scones ended up and the rest were shared tonight between one of my sons and also one of my daughters. Good, I can't eat any more of them!
So I had better get on and share this card quickly as I still have to do those cakes and it's getting very late.
I've used SU cardstock for the base, sorry, I can't remember the name, this is a sample piece Shirley gave me and I've ordered a packet.
I've used the same DSP as I did on the little oriental girl from yesterday. The image is one you make up using a set from It is a set of 3, two are peg stamps and the other is a small square one with the owl on it. I sponged the edges with Basic Brown and distressed the piece. I also sponged the oval that I stamped the sentiment on. I've torn the rectangle of green and then stitched it back together and added a touch of bling.
Well, thanks again for stopping by and also for the wonderful comments that you leave, they are much appreciated.
Off to jelly cakes!
Take care,


  1. Sandy,
    This is lovely, great papers, love the stiching.
    Happy weekend
    PS Thanks for visiting me and leaving nice comments, I appreciate them.

  2. I love the softness and the beautiful colors in your card. Just beautiful!

  3. Looks so pretty with framing.....nice touch with the stitchin'....didn't save a cake for me, though, did!

  4. Hi Sandy . It is great when you can mix and match a couple of stamos to create a scene or as you have here , an image and frame of greenery .I like it lots .

  5. Hi Sandy
    Great card. Your colours are lovely and that little bit of stitching just set it off.



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