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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just Married

Well it's been a lovely day today, had a craft session with Shirley and made 3 lovely cards, after lunch I washed about 4 loads of towels and clothes, it was good to catch up with the laundry and get it folded and put away too.
After tea, I had choir practise which ran a bit late so got home about 10.45p.m. so now I am going to get this post done and get off to bed.
There is no stamping on this one at all and I had to put a piece of paper behind it to show the edges of the card as the basecard is a pale blue and wasn't showing up well in the scan. I've used a piece of textured card and pricked a stitching pattern and used gold and pink metallic threads to stitch it, I added a little gold heart sticker in the middle of one of the hearts. The image is 3D and I added gold corner stickers on the bottom half.
I would like to enter this into: Southern Girls Challenge 28 - Anything Goes
Make It Monday #56 - Anything Goes
Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your day,
Take Care.


  1. Love this Sandy,such a gorgeous

  2. Sandy,
    This is fantastic. Isn't it great sometimes to just use stickers and such and come up with a beautiful card? TFS


  3. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Sandy. I popped on over to have a look at your blog and I love your style of cards. I will be coming back to check on you often - in a nice way - not in a stalking kind of way(he he)

  4. Wow, really beautifully put together Sandy!

    Thx for linking up the MIM party too!

  5. Hi Sandy. Queen of stitching on cards I think you are .Awesome work on this one .
    hugs Shirley

  6. So cool! Love it Sandy, that stitching looks so nice.
    xxx Monica


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